
Best Practice 1 for Cretan Diet

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Best Practice 1 for Cretan Diet

Number of the best practice by partner
Title of the best practice
“Green-Cretan-All Inclusive”
Typology of related cultural value
Please place the practice in the given typology of heritage.
Intangible cultural heritage
Economic knowledge
Location of the best practice
LAU 1 (Administrative unit in Slovenia and Serbia or Municipality in Greece and Bulgaria or Statistical subregion in Hungary)
LAU 2 (Municipality in Italy, Slovenia and Serbia, Municipal district in Greece, Settlement in Hungary and Bulgaria).
NUTS 2 – Region of Crete
Brief description (max. 200 words)
A big Cretan group of hotel companies has adopted a model of “all inclusive”services that is based both in the environmental protection and the Cretan lifestyle and diet. It is actually a new innovative touristic product with great impacts in the economic, social and cultural environment. In other words, all the hotel suppliers will be local farmers and producers, so that the local market and agricultural production is protected. This new product was developed in order to satisfy tourists who wish to have a predefined budget for their vacations, but on the other hand, they do not want to isolate from the local tradition. For that reason, the program is based on Cretan Diet and traditional lifestyle.
Short presentation of the territory, context for the action (max. 200 words)
The Region of Crete is located in the largest island in Greece. It forms a significant part of the economy and cultural heritage of Greece, while retaining its own local cultural traits. It consists of the Chania, Heraklion, Rethimno and Lasithi prefectures in 3.835 km2 with a total population of 601.263. The two main sectors of economic activity is agriculture and tourism, the common place of which is the Cretan Diet.
Local economy support
Satisfaction of the clients needs
Innovative touristic product to promote the competitiveness of the company
Best practice promoters
Cretan group of hotels
Stakeholders involved  
Hotel owners, Hotel managers, Tour operators
Consultants, Researchers
Local authorities
Benefits for the involved actors Briefly specify benefits for each involved group   by indicating, if possible, the typology of involved actors.
The hotel owners and tour operators enhance their competitiveness in the global tourism market.
The local authorities help the local society and communities to improve, by raising the employment and their incomes.
The tourists satisfy their quantity and qualitative needs.
Financial resources required for the implementation of the best practice
- singular cost
- regular cost
If possible please specify the kind of cost (for example for meetings, buying equipment & other materials) and provide a rough amount
The costs incurred for carrying out the best practice are supported regularly, but they are actually expected to return as profits.

First steps taken
Local Stakeholders involvement and brainstorming, Promotion, Dissemination, Marketing
Time needed for developing the best practice
Please identify how much time passed between the decision to solve a problem was made and the moment in which the good practice started creating the desired positive consequences.  

Big enterprises such as a group of hotel companies need a lot of time to recognise the problems and the needs, to test the sensitivity of the market and to transform an initiative into a best practice requires a long period of hard work.
In this case 2-3 years of preparation is estimated.
Possibility of transfer the best practice
What needs to be done to realise a transfer? If the best practice cannot be transferred please explain why. 
This best practice can and will be transferred in other hotels nationally and also in a transnational level. This is a next target of the company so as to develop a certification globally recognised by caring customers.
Effective collaborations, mobility and mutual company visits are only needed to support the transferability of the best practice.
Relation to existing cultural values
Please list local cultural values connected or utilized by this best practice (e.g. - olive oil as an important ingredient of the natural cosmetics , receipts, traditional songs/dances related to the olive picking, old houses or mills recognized as a heritage etc.)
Do not describe cultural values since they will be described in another application form.
Cretan Diet
Olive oil production
Cretan Vineyard
Reasons for which the best practice is considered as good
Please explain in a few words the key success factors of implementing the best practice (e.g. new jobs created, ...).
New jobs created, Employment and Income raising, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness enhancement
Measurable results and/or impact indicators
Jobs, Income, Tourists-clients
New opportunities created at a local level
New opportunities in Local Production: bigger scales and higher quality
Title of a photo
“Green-Cretan-All Inclusive” Human Network
Name of the file
(Please name files using the following system: photo_bp_pp1_1a etc....
Be careful to use the right number for pp according to AF and the right number of your best practice).
Author of a photo
Antonis Panayotopoulos,
President of Greek Academy of Taste
Title of a video

Name of the file
(Please name files using the following system: video_bp_pp1_1a etc....
Be careful to use the right number for pp according to AF and the right number of your best practice).

Author of a video

Title of an audio record

Name of the file
(Please name files using the following system: audio_bp_pp1_1a etc....
Be careful to use the right number for pp according to AF and the right number of your best practice).

Author of an audio record

Responsible organization
Heraklion Chamber of Commerce  and Industry
Contact person
Dr. Michael Katharakis

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