Welcome to SY_CULTour Virtual Chamber
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Welcome to the Virtual Chamber for European rural areas.
The main idea of the Virtual Chamber is to provide information, connect people, exchange ideas, and find new project opportunities in rural areas. We wish to bring new development to rural areas, especially through sustainable use of local culture – by cultural tourism or any other activity that brings new developmental impulses to your village, region or town.
The Virtual Chamber for rural areas can be considered as a helping tool. If you are an entrepreneur, a local politician, a cultural heritage expert or conservationist, a researcher, a tourist, or you are just curious about rural culture and its potential this online tool may be of help.
So please, have a look around the web site. Explore rural cultural values across South-East Europe and find out how locals have managed to transform them into lively and successful social and/or economic activities. Find out how traditional knowledge and practices can be put to new use and how to involve youth, the elderly, and other vulnerable social groups into new activities or discuss policies and get support. Find out real and authentic cultural activities that you can visit on your next trip! Or you can find people with experience in developing certain cultural products who can help you develop your own!
But you are also invited to participate actively – you can share your experiences, your ideas, observations, business or research opportunities with people of similar minds across Europe.
You are invited to have a look at the site. Together we can keep our rural countryside and its culture alive and authentic!